"Advanced Cyber Knowledge" (ACK) - WDigest Decoded
Exploring LSASS and WDigest's roles in Windows security: their efficient yet vulnerable structures and how they're exploited for cyberattack
"Advanced Cyber Knowledge" (ACK) - WDigest Decoded
The Cyber Idiots Podcast EP03 - When Criminals Don't Go to Jail, but CSOs Do
Fun with PowerShell – Executing commands with DNS requests
The Rusty Wanderer Bike Rebuild - Part 3
Why I’m worried about the LastPass breach
The Rusty Wanderer Bike Rebuild - Part 2
JunkRat Part 3: Card 2- Did I Just Get Away With Murder?
The Rusty Wanderer Bike Rebuild - Part 1
Part 2: Card 1– Daddy’s got a brand-new Card